Ipshita Mandal-Johnson, GBR/Gap Summit

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Ep15 - Ipshita Mandal-Johnson

In this episode of CUTalks, Shreya and Thomas talk to Ipshita Mandal-Johnson, co-founder of Global Biotech Revolution (GBR), and the first president of Gap Summit. Ipshita is a serial entrepreneur and started her interesting journey from a young age - initially based in New Zealand, then on to a PhD at the University of Cambridge during which she co-founded GBR, being an early employee at Bactevo, consultant at McKinsey and then subsequent ventures based out of the Caribbean. We discuss her unusual entrepreneurial path, key inspirations and making a global impact.

This episode was sponsored by DesignSpark: design tools and resources for engineers to help make their ideas happen. The podcast was produced by Carl Homer, Cambridge TV.

Jump to the following topics:

  • Ipshita’s entrepreneurial journey - 1:22

  • Global Biotech Revolution - 20:00

  • Making a global impact in healthcare - 30:10
